/!\ Docker installed mandatory 1/ Download blazegraph_ordo_hoom.tar.gz archive ================================================================== 2/ Load hoom-ordo image in your repository: ================================== in a terminal : docker load -i blazegraph_ordo_hoom.zip 3/ Check images ============ in a terminal : docker images --> blazegraph_ordo__hoom_ need to be listed 4/ Run Blazegraph container: ======================== docker run --rm -ti blazegraph_ordo__hoom_ 5/ Start the default Blazegraph workbench: ====================================== Go to http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/ 6/ Check and/or select home ontology in the Tab ======================================================== Select for HOOM or ORDO ontologies 7/ Queries could be played in the tab ========================================== 8/ CTRL-C in the terminal window to close Blazegraph instance ==========================================================